A Record of Rosepine History

Rosepine was a boom town due to the lumber industry. In 1903 it had a bank, a lumber company, 2 hotels, 5 dry goods & hardware stores, 7 saloons, 3 grocery stores, 1 drug store, one barber shop, 3 restaurants, 2 churches, and 1 school. Proclamation declared Rosepine's boundaries: Section (3) and Four (4) of Township Two (2) South of Range Nine (9) West Vernon Parish. The town has evolved, returning to a viable town again with some seventy businesses and a new Town Hall in 2010.

It is the hope of the Rosepine Historical Society to record the history of our town and its people. Special thanks is extended to Bonnie Loftin Thompson who has given the vision and countless hours to this project.

The RHS hopes this volume may not only inform, but, furnish information helping you to recall many interesting situations and important memories, facts, and circumstances from the past thus bringing years of enjoyable reading to you.

We are aware that many facts and stories remain untold and request the readers who have stories and pictures relevant to the Rosepine area, make them available to the RHS. Minimal efforts have been made to verify information contained ithin the pages, but most is presented as it was passed on to the Rosepine Historical Society.

Each book sells for $50. If you are interested in getting a copy for your family tabletop, please contact us.