Contact the Rosepine Historical Society

The Rosepine Historical Society focuses on celebrating our history through events, publications, and recognition programs.

We welcome your questions and inquiries about what we do, what we may be able to do or about any content on our website.

We are always happy to hear from all who have an interest in the community.

Our contact information is provided below:

Rosepine Historical Society
email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
phone: 337-396-8357

General Inquiries

If you have general inquiries about what we do or website information, please email our staff.

Membership Inquiries

If you are interested in a membership with RHS, we're excited you have an interest and want to get to know your community and its surroundings.

Our current meetings are held in the small building behind the Unity Baptist Church on Hwy 171, South Rosepine. Meetings are held the third Thursday of each month at 6pm.

We look forward to seeing you there.

History Book Submittals

What better way to preserve your neighborhood, community, and the town's history than publishing a book? A published book is a permanent document that can be passed down through generations and it can bring residents together in doing the research, writing a bit of history, and gathering photographic material.

We have published a book on the history of Rosepine and have one updated version with more updated versions expected to be released. This project has been a labor of love for each and every one us; those writing the book and for those contributing to the book.

If you and your family have lived in the area and would like to know how you can submit your history, we'd love to hear from you.

Recipe Book Submittals

Not only have we published a history book of our town but the members of our community have graciously shared many of their family favorite recipes, holiday favorite recipes, desert recipes and many more wholesome meals that you can sink your teeth into. If you like to feel good about the food you serve family and friends and have a recipe you would like to share, let us know and we can include it in our next update.

Benches, Memorial Stones, Picnic Tables

If you would like to purchase a bench, memorial stone or picnic table in memory of a loved one - which can be placed in an available area that you choose - contact us for pricing.

WHY DO THIS? ... because it needs to be done!
“Be a part of something worthwhile, something that will outlive us all!
Something that will benefit future generations.” Bonnie Thompson

Photograhic Submittals

If you have previously had your story told in our history book but could not submit photos at the time, we may be able to get them published in an updated version of the book. If we cannot get the photos in the book, we can add them to the gallery of photographic archives we have here on our website.

If you are submitting the history of your family for the first time, we are happy to receive your story and photographic donations for use in the history book and our website. We can scan your photos or take a pictures of your family photos if necessary.

Photocopy Images

If you have a photocopy printout of an original print, it must be clear and high resolution as low quality copies do not always scan well for web or publishing use.

Scanning Images

If you can scan your own images for donation, they should be scanned at no less than 300 dpi (if you have a 4" x 5" image or smaller the scan should be done at no less than 600 dpi), scanner glass should be cleaned with a lint free cloth prior to scanning, and images should lay flat and straight on scanner glass. If the back of an image contains information, this can be scanned at 300 dpi.