Rosepine Historical Society

The Rosepine Historical Society is a non-profit organization formed in 2000 with the goal to preserve the rich history of Rosepine, Louisiana. The mission set forth is not only to preserve the history but also improve the community to include a much needed city park.

Since inception we have hosted the 2002 Centennial, we have minted a Centennial Coin, published a history book, published a cookbook of recipes from our Rosepine residents, we hold the Roses In the Pines Festival each April, and we are presently building a park for the community to enjoy.

Fund Raising Accomplishments

Below are the fund raising accomplishments of the Rosepine Historical Society. All proceeds help finish the ongoing project to build the Rosepine Evans Historical Park and donations are always welcome.

2002 Rosepine’s Centennial Celebration

The 2002 fund raiser was a commemorative coin designed for the Centennial with gold clad silver, silver, and bronze coins to sell.

2010 Published Book on the History of Rosepine

In 2010 the objective was to write an updated history of Rosepine. This has been accomplished with a 445 page book of heirloom quality that is a great read, as well as a genealogical reference. The books sell for $50 each.

2011 Published Cookbook

In 2011, a cookbook was published with wholesome recipes you'll want to include in your family meals. The cookbook sells for $10 each.

Roses in the Pine Festival

The Rosepine Historical Society hosts the annual “Roses In The Pines” Festival. There is live entertainment, food, crafts, kids activities, prize drawing and food for all.

Christmas Lighting Display

The historical society puts up a Christmas lighting display in the park the first Friday of December to share with surrounding community members. Pictures, drinks and food provided.

Christmas Cash Raffle

Various “Christmas Cash” raffles are held to raise money for the park. Other fund raisers include key chains, raffles, and barbecues.